Satan is already waiting for him. 'Well, I don't know what to do. See, you're on my list, but I have no free rooms for you. But you, you definitely have to stay in hell, so I'll have to find a solution. There are a few people here who aren't as bad as you are... I guess I'll let one go and you'll take their place. However, you can choose whose place you want to take. 'Oh, that sounds okay I guess' says Bush. Satan leads him to the first room and opens the door. In this room, there's a huge swimming pool. In it, Reagan is drowning. He goes down, then up, then down, then up, and he's gasping for air all the while. 'Oh, no,' says Bush. 'That's not for me, I'm a poor swimmer.' Satan opens the second door. The room is full of rocks and they see Nixon trying to break up the rocks with a wooden hammer. 'Nah, I have problems with my shoulders and my back, that'd be such a painful thing to do day after day.' So Satan opens the third door. In the room, they see Clinton lying on the floor, all tied up. Monica Lewinsky is lying on top of Clinton, giving him a blowjob. Bush stares at the scene with a wide smile and says: 'Ah, that I could endure!' 'Alright,' laughs Satan. 'Monica, you're free to go!'

so today I went to this company located in batamindo for an interview. like usual, I always timed my arrival to be as close as possible to predefined schedule. because I don't want to be viewed as desperate for a job. so I need to act casual.

actually there weren't any interview, there were only some tests paper that need to be filled out. and to my amazement the tests they given me and to others were a bit hard. the tests are like maths, only instead of solving numbers you were given a set of images and tried to find the pattern that will leads you to the final images to fit the image conundrum.

mathematics teaches you about seeing a pattern and the tests also puts pressure on you to find suitable pattern. so yeah if you good at math then you'll be good at solving the test paper.

I really hope I pass the test though as I need the money to pay for my server and be able to upgrade it and hence I can gather more users to use my forum and other web service that I created.

ada mobil truk molen yg jatuh di jalan dan menyebabkan jalan tersebut hancur seperti terlihat di gambar bawah ini. itu truk nya tidak mengambil jarak yg cukup utk berbelok sehingga menyebabkan oleng dan jatuh dan membuat aspal jalan langsung hancur sehingga bisa mengakibatkan kecelakaan bagi kendaraan lain yg menggunakan jalan tersebut.

ya inilah kenapa membuat sim B itu harus ada ujian biar para supir mengerti gimana mengendarai truk dengan baik.

enter image description here

so I guess mosquito do get called swolesquito

enter image description here

wardiaman diberikan hukuman seumur hidup atas kejahatannya dalam membunuh nia. ya memang terbukti bersalah dan aq yakin ada banyak cewek lain yg dia bunuh jg. si wardiaman ini kan person of interest gt. terdapat DNA dia di tubuh nia, bulu jembut nya wardiaman menempel di tubuh nia sehingga polisi mudah menetapkan dia sebagai tersangka.

ya begitulah akhir hidup wardiaman, dia akan hidup selamanya di penjara. itu ajah dah cukup seperti nya ya. hidup di penjara apalagi penjara indonesia bukanlah hal yg menyenangkan. sel yg kepenuhan, makanan yg ga enak dan kurang higienis adalah hal yg membuat hidup di penjara indonesia suatu mimpi buruk.

well, enjoy your life there then.

enter image description here

ada hal yg menarik perhatian ku yaitu ketika aq membaca artikel ini. Merry Riana membuat buku yg berjudul a gift for a friend dan merayakan keberhasilannya meraih 1 juta dollar. nah masalahnya tidak ada dibilang bisnis apa neh si merry riana? dan kenapa begitu dirayakan banget kemenangannya meraih 1 juta dollar?

maksudku kalau kamu punya 1 juta dollar ya kamu pasti diam2 ajalah, soalnya ntar pasti akan kena pajak gt dari pemerintah. setelah aq usut di internet ternyata merry riana ini pernah mengikuti bisnis MLM ataupun bisnis menjual asuransi.

ya kan kamu tau sendiri kalau kedua bisnis itu akan berhasil tergantung seberapa banyak member yg kamu punya. dan 1 cara untuk dapatin member adalah menunjukkan ke orang banyak kalau kamu adalah orang kaya dan orang lain harus mengikuti dirimu supaya bisa kaya juga. sejenis teori Member get Member (MGM). dan untuk keberhasilan bisnis kamu harus cantik dan make rok pendek seperti merry riana.

nah itu dia, jadi jangan terlalu suka terpengaruh dengan orang kaya yg mengatakan dia berhasil mendapatkan banyak uang. sesungguhnya orang kaya yg ngomong seperti itu pasti pengen ngajak orang lain untuk investasi ama dia. kalau banyak uang ya diam2 ajah n ga usah terlalu di gembor2kan gt. soalnya kamu pasti di minta bayar pajak.

Graha pena in Batam centre is one of the prestigious office space in batam. the building has amazing views if you work in there. I happen to visit the building for some programmer interview and I had to say it's impressive.

there are toilets on every floor, secure and spacious parking and full on 24 hour AC to keep everything cool. the elevator that can only reach level 9 is also interesting to explore.

when I enter into one of the office space of a certain software house, I saw all the programmers transfixed to their computer coding things away in their laptop. it seems they don't use PC but rather a laptop they own. maybe it BYOD (bring your own device) office setting. but that's just how sofware house works.