enter image description here your worth is based on the achievement that you made and not based on your enemy's judgment or the judgment of someone that you hate. there should be a clear line to whom you called friend or foe

ada hal yg menarik perhatian ku yaitu ketika aq membaca artikel ini. Merry Riana membuat buku yg berjudul a gift for a friend dan merayakan keberhasilannya meraih 1 juta dollar. nah masalahnya tidak ada dibilang bisnis apa neh si merry riana? dan kenapa begitu dirayakan banget kemenangannya meraih 1 juta dollar?

maksudku kalau kamu punya 1 juta dollar ya kamu pasti diam2 ajalah, soalnya ntar pasti akan kena pajak gt dari pemerintah. setelah aq usut di internet ternyata merry riana ini pernah mengikuti bisnis MLM ataupun bisnis menjual asuransi.

ya kan kamu tau sendiri kalau kedua bisnis itu akan berhasil tergantung seberapa banyak member yg kamu punya. dan 1 cara untuk dapatin member adalah menunjukkan ke orang banyak kalau kamu adalah orang kaya dan orang lain harus mengikuti dirimu supaya bisa kaya juga. sejenis teori Member get Member (MGM). dan untuk keberhasilan bisnis kamu harus cantik dan make rok pendek seperti merry riana.

nah itu dia, jadi jangan terlalu suka terpengaruh dengan orang kaya yg mengatakan dia berhasil mendapatkan banyak uang. sesungguhnya orang kaya yg ngomong seperti itu pasti pengen ngajak orang lain untuk investasi ama dia. kalau banyak uang ya diam2 ajah n ga usah terlalu di gembor2kan gt. soalnya kamu pasti di minta bayar pajak.


she's just perfect and easy in the eye. I can't stop looking at her. and I did had her and also taste her which is very good.

enter image description here

things that interest me are the things that keep changing. because they created a pattern that I surmise and study and in turn help me to better understand why they change and what need to do to make it better.

such as when I am interacting with a girl. somehow when you talk to a girl then there are a lot of various variable affecting their moods. they only way for you to know what's going on is by doing trial and error.

"I would love to be able to get to the top of that tree," sighed the turkey, "but I haven't got the energy."

"Well, why don't you nibble on some of my droppings?" replied the bull. "They're packed with nutrients."

The turkey pecked at a lump of dung, and found it actually gave him enough strength to reach the lowest branch of the tree. The next day, after eating some more dung, he reached the second branch. Finally after a fourth night, the turkey was proudly perched at the top of the tree.

He was promptly spotted by a farmer, who shot him out of the tree.

Management Lesson - Bullshit might get you to the top, but it won't keep you there.

I learn to code from 2 sources now, from codeacademy and udemy. the codeacademy teaches me how to solve problem which is good if you started to get to know how to code.

but in udemy the knowledge of programming is taken one step further. learning by watching, so that I can learn more how to code effectively in eclipse.

there's so much to learn when you watch people do coding, you can learn from how they type and all the tricks that were needed to make your code perform better.

usually coding is a lonely ritual but in udemy you can learn from the best and thus enhance your understanding of the best practice in coding.

so yeah, udemy has greatly helped me in understanding android programming into which I'll delve deeper.

"Son, I found a condom in your room" "well, thanks, Grandpa!" "Why are you calling me Grandpa?" "Because I couldn't find it yesterday."

dalam hidup ini ada 2 rasa kasihan yg menurutku hal yg percuma atau sia2 saja.

  1. rasa kasihan akibat dari gagalnya skripsi karena tidak memback-up data di komputer atau laptop yang entah karena satu atau 2 hal mengalami kehilangan data sehingga kesulitan melanjutkan skripsi nya. hal ini sering terjadi bagi mahasiswa yg baru buat skripsi dan menurutku hal ini pantas terjadi bagi mereka supaya mereka bisa belajar cara menghargai data. data itu akan sangat di hargai ketika udah hilang, dan rasa kasihan untuk orang yg kehilangan data adalah hal yg percuma

  2. rasa kasihan akibat dari tertipu oknum yg menjanjikan utk bisa jadi PNS. di indonesia semua orang bercita2 pengen jadi PNS, yg mana merupakan suatu pekerjaan impian karena tunjangan yg bagus dan terjamin di masa tua. dan memang ini hal yg benar. cuma di indonesia ini banyak orang yg mengambil jalan pintas dengan menyogok orang tertentu supaya bisa cepat jadi PNS. kadang menghabiskan puluhan bahkan ratusan juta supaya bisa lolos ujian jadi PNS. terus ternyata akhirnya mereka ga lulus ujian PNS dan meminta kembali uang yg mereka berikan ke oknum itu dan ternyata tuh oknum udah pergi dan tidak mau membantu mereka lagi. sehingga CPNS yg gagal ini melaporkan oknum tersebut ke polisi atas pasal penipuan. rasanya sulit untuk mengasihani orang seperti ini, jika seandainya CPNS ini lulus menjadi PNS maka dia pasti akan menggunakan jabatannya untuk mendapatkan uang semaksimal mungkin untuk mengganti biaya yg dia keluarkan ke oknum itu. terus sekarang dia merasa rugi dan tertipu dan mengharapkan belas kasihan dari masyarakat?

ya itulah 2 hal yg menurutku tidak perlu di berikan rasa kasihan, cuma perlu diberikan pelajaran ajah biar mengerti dalam hidup ini yang diperlukan itu cuma pemikiran yg mendalam atas solusi yg di alami.

enter image description here

see that dude working on the chair? the perception of what he's doing versus of what you're thinking he's doing is all that needed to form an opinion. regardless of what you do, always remember that the outcome is all that matters and not how you do it.

when you are in a relationship with a girl and it just happens that the girl is no longer interested in you then it's called Ghosting.

The act of suddenly ceasing all communication with someone the subject is dating, but no longer wishes to date. This is done in hopes that the ghostee will just “get the hint” and leave the subject alone, as opposed to the subject simply telling them he/she is no longer interested. Ghosting is not specific to a certain gender and is closely related to the subject’s maturity and communication skills. Many attempt to justify ghosting as a way to cease dating the ghostee without hurting their feelings, but it in fact proves the subject is thinking more of themselves, as ghosting often creates more confusion for the ghostee than if the subject kindly stated how he/she feels.

I did experienced this type of problem when hooking up with a girl, well sometime one's expectation is different from what it'd turn out to be.