And lands her eyes on a beautiful parrot. Lovely plumage and everything. She goes to the store owner and says, "I want this parrot. How much is it for?" The shop owner says, "2000 dollars" The lady says, "I understand the parrot is beautiful, but isn't the price a bit too high?" Shop owner says, "Lady, this parrot is called Mickey and it talks. A lot. Go ahead ask it something." The lady asks the parrot - "Hello Mickey, what do you think of me?" The parrot says - "I think you're a cum-hungry whore, bitch!" The lady is offended and says, "No way am I taking such a potty-mouth parrot." The shop owner intervenes with "Lady, please give me 10 minutes and I will ensure Mickey behaves." The shop owner then takes the parrot to the back of the store, brings out a pale of water, dunks Mickey in and asks "Are you going to fucking swear again?" Mickey says, "Sure as fuck I will, you piece of shit!" The shop owner then gets another bucket full of ice water, dunks Mickey in for 15 seconds and says, "How about now, fuckwit?" Mickey goes, "I have learned my lesson, master. Please don't ever do that to me again. I shall be civil for the rest of my days." The shop owner then brings Mickey back out and tells the lady, "I have cured him. You can test." The lady then says, "Mickey, what will you say if I come home with a man?" Mickey says, "That you have come home with your husband." The lady asks again, "And what if I come home with two men?" Mickey says, "That you are having a family dinner with your husband and your brother." The lady then asks, "And what if I come home with three men?" Mickey says, "Bro you better fetch that bucket of ice-water, I told you the bitch is a fucking whore."

bisa di bayangkan menaiki perahu sekecil ini dan di terjang ombak besar ya pasti terguling. dan di tambah kapasitas nya yg terlalu berat sebanyak 17 orang, padahal perahu nya cuma bisa menampung 10 orang ajah. dan perjalanan selama 15 menit tanpa pelampung.

ntah yg naik ga sadar safety protocol atau memang ga mau belajar berenang. yg penting kecelakaan yg terjadi di laut ini harus di pelajari oleh semua pihak supaya ga terjadi lagi.

enter image description here

PLN memberikan tanggapan di koran batam pos.

enter image description here jadi selama ini membayar di kantor PLN pun kena biaya administrasi bank Rp 2.500. apa ga kaya banget tuh PLN?

PLN Batam kalah dalam persidangan untuk menentukan apakah pelanggannya wajib membayar biaya administrasi ke bank setiap melakukan pembayaran tagihan.

enter image description here padahal biaya administrasi nya cuma Rp. 2500, sebesar membayar biaya parkir mobil. dan persidangan nya berlangsung selama 2 tahun. siapapun orangnya yg pertama kali mengajukan kasus ini maka dia pasti langsung lari dari tukang parkir deh daripada membayar 2 ribu. LOL

enter image description here your worth is based on the achievement that you made and not based on your enemy's judgment or the judgment of someone that you hate. there should be a clear line to whom you called friend or foe

let's all gather for one final picture of us. enter image description here

so charlie hebdo just did it again. by creating carricature that may evoked chaos but at least it's just a picture of 2 moslems people naked and running around.

enter image description here the caption read "dear muslim, loosen up guys"

The person who is best suited to us is not the person who shares our every taste (he or she doesn’t exist), but the person who can negotiate differences in taste intelligently — the person who is good at disagreement. Rather than some notional idea of perfect complementarity, it is the capacity to tolerate differences with generosity that is the true marker of the “not overly wrong” person. Compatibility is an achievement of love; it must not be its precondition.

seseorang yg cocok utk diri kita bukanlah seseorang yg mempunyai kesamaan dalam semua hal yg kita punya. tapi lebih kepada seseorang yg mau bernegosiasi dengan perbedaan yg kita miliki. seseorang yg mengerti akan perbedaan dan bisa mentolerir ketidaksempurnaan yg kita hadapi. compatibilitas adalah tujuan utama dari cinta dan bukan merupakan syarat utk mencintai seseorang dari awal.

He pulled up to work with his sweet new car this morning and I complimented him on it. He replied, "Well, if you work hard, set goals, stay determined and put in long hours, I can get an even better one next year."

hari ini koran Batam Pos merayakan ulang tahun yg ke-18. salah satu koran paling populer di batam yang paling banyak iklannya. satu2nya alasan aq masih langganan batam pos ya karena iklan lowongan pekerjaan nya yg banyak di hari sabtu dan juga pemberitahuan mengenai bisnis tertentu yg buka di batam.

mungkin untuk berita nasional bisa di dapatkan di detikcom tapi ya itu utk lowongan kerja dan iklan aq masih bergantung dengan koran batampos. tapi yg membuat batampos menarik ya tetap berita nya yg lebih memuat hal lokal. kalau berita tentang jakarta banyak sumber nya tapi utk berita lokal ya tetap di batampos.

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