the decision of the british people to leave the EU has massive implications. trillions of dollars has been wiped off the stocks exchange as the market tanked, it'd take years to recover.

distribution of voters

based on the picture, it can be surmised that older people are more proned to choose to leave the EU. maybe because of hitler or something else.

what matters is now british people will have to pay the price. and the bitcoin prices has surge to near $800 per bitcoin, due to many people unloading their poundsterling for safer currency such as bitcoin.

another economic fiasco just another luck for bitcoin users.

kalau di python utk elseif code nya elif

var = 100
if var == 200:
   print "1 - Got a true expression value"
   print var
elif var == 150:
   print "2 - Got a true expression value"
   print var
elif var == 100:
   print "3 - Got a true expression value"
   print var
   print "4 - Got a false expression value"
   print var

print "Good bye!"

kalau di ruby utk elseif code nya elsif

if var == 10
print “Variable is 10”
elsif var == “20”
print “Variable is 20”
print “Variable is something else”

always remember that in python you need to put ":" after if, elseif or else statement or else the code won't run in ruby you don't need this however

will the feature image work? htmly has very few custom theme but at least it works fast and simple!

so yeah, the featured image did work, I just need to copy paste the image link the box of Featured Image and then htmly will just add it above the blogpost. very sleek.

I have been coding like crazy on codeacademy, I have been learning many new programming languages. programming is important if you have photographic memory. coding make you remember stuff and use this knowledge to solve problem in developing apps on the web.

you should notice that I have added many new website to my hosting and this was made possible by my infatuation of all things web.

so yeah, expect to see more useful website created by me.

I always like watching cnn, due to the fact that I can even memorized the name of its news anchor. The one that I like most is Anderson Cooper because he like to make jokes. I think every news anchor should be able to crack jokes so as to add humanity to the news.

BBC is also good, although the news presenter is a bit rigid like most British people and always looking serious while on the news.

For sky news, I liked the morning segment where they discuss the morning newspaper. And the problem they're discussing just flow from there and get interesting

And lastly fox news, well for this channel the only thing that I noticed is that the skirt the news presenter wears just keep getting shorter. Which is good for getting viewer attention.

di planet mungkin width nya agak besar kalau di lihat di monitor PC. ini karena aq menggunakan bootstrap yg menyesuaikan dengan lebar monitor. jadi kalau di buka di hp atau tablet maka screen nya akan menyesuaikan dengan lebar view sehingga enak utk di baca. kalau buka planet ubuntu di mobile maka kamu pasti harus zoom in supaya bisa membacanya tapi kalau di planet yg aq buat ini ga perlu karena akan menyesuaikan.

so yeah, it's mobile first planet.

setelah menggunakan indovision selama 3 tahun sejak tahun 2013, aq akhirnya berpisah dengan paytv ini. karena selain harga nya yg mahal. juga banyak channel yg hilang. mending nonton secara illegal ajah dengan membayar 50ribu pertahun. cuma butuh dish dan LNB s band dah tuh bisa nonton ratusan channel dengan gratis. walaupun kehalusan gambar tergantung dari koneksi internet yg kamu miliki. tapi ya setidaknya aq masih bisa nonton euro dengan murah daripada membayar 500ribu perbulan. LOL

I just created another blogging platform that is htmly, it'd be just like my other blog only it will be filled with many stupid things. as I can't really post anything unproffesional in my official blog. separation of state and churches as they say.

anyway, please comment so we can get to know each other